This page contains each of Vice President Wilson’s monthly messages dating back to the initial Student Affairs Enewsletter sent in February 2014. Enjoy!

Victor K. Wilson chatting with multiple students.
July, 2020

Ready for Launch

This spring we announced a bold new 2025 plan for UGA Student Affairs focused on three core strategies: 1) Improve student development of essential skills; 2) Increase meaningful student engagement on campus and in the community; and 3) Increase student well-being and success across the educational experience.

With all that has happened in our world since spring, the importance of these core strategies has been affirmed in countless ways. Today we are ready to launch!

This month, we have opened two new departments—a new Student Transitions office to provide dedicated support for key times of student transition across the student experience, as well as a new department of Engagement, Leadership, and Service, to expand engagement and infuse leadership and service across all types of student involvement.

We will also soon be launching new collaborative teams across Student Affairs and the campus, including a new student learning collaborative, well-being network, digital engagement, data, and IT teams, student organization advisors, and a student transitions group. Many of you will be asked to join one or more of these teams, and I am grateful for the insights and leadership I know you will bring.

Making our 2025 plan come alive depends on all of us working together creatively and energetically. These are challenging times, but I am fully confident we can continue to embrace the opportunities ahead together for the benefit of UGA students and the betterment of our world.

Victor K. Wilson's signature.

Victor K. Wilson
Vice President for Student Affairs
The University of Georgia

The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

306 Memorial Hall
Athens, GA 30602


From the Tate Center Parking Deck, take the elevator to the 3 rd floor. Walk across the courtyard with the UGA bookstore on your left hand side. Take the stairs up to the street. Cross Sanford Drive. Memorial Hall will be directly in front of you. Stay on the left side of the building and walk around to the side entrance for disability access. From the side door you can take the elevator to the third floor. If an elevator is not needed walk up all the stairs on the side of Memorial Hall and turn right, there you will see Reed Quad. Walk up the steps with the columns to the main entrance of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

For directions please call 706-542- 3564.