Home » BARC
Office of the Dean of Students
325 Tate Student Center
Athens, GA 30602
706-542-7774 | dosadmin@uga.edu

What is BARC?
A group of key administrators who assess and determine the appropriate response to students who exhibit threatening behavior to themselves and/or others. BARC is charged with balancing the individual needs of the student and the shared needs of the campus community when initiating appropriate intervention for each individual case based on the circumstances provided.
What does BARC have the authority to do?
BARC coordinates the collection and assessment of concerns raised by an enrolled student’s behavior. BARC is empowered to take necessary steps in response to students’ behaviors that present a threat of harm to themselves, to other students, and/or to other members of the UGA campus community.
For more information about BARC’s authority and procudures, please consult the BARC Policies and Procedural Protocols.
When should I refer students to BARC?
Members of the university community should refer students to BARC who exhibit threatening behavior to self and/or others. Non-emergency situations in which the student does not pose an immediate threat to self or others but exhibits behavior revealing a potential for harm may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students (706-542-7774), or University Police (706-542-2200).
How can you assist BARC?
When contacting BARC about a student whom you believe has the potential to harm themselves or others, please provide as much information as possible. The more information we have, the better we can make a determination of whether the student poses a threat to self or others.
Is the BARC process confidential?
Notes, minutes, and records pertaining to BARC shall be subject to all state and federal laws applicable including, but not limited to, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Georgia Open Records laws. All records deemed confidential (e.g. protected health/mental health information) shall be treated as such and shall not lose such protection by virtue of being addressed within BARC meetings.
Students that become involved with BARC may be asked to complete certain forms to be reviewed by the Council. When BARC requests that a student complete a form, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure the provider from whom they are receiving care completes the form in a timely manner.