This page contains each of Vice President Wilson’s monthly messages dating back to the initial Student Affairs Enewsletter sent in February 2014. Enjoy!

Victor K. Wilson chatting with multiple students.
April, 2017

Pressing Ahead

As you will read below, we are thrilled for the recent major gift (the latest in a series) by Jack and Nancy Fontaine to support the Fontaine Center and alcohol awareness and education at UGA. This amazing commitment will continue to expand the Center’s reach, its Collegiate Recovery Community, and educational programming for our campus and far beyond.
I am exceptionally grateful to Jack and Nancy for their continued investment in UGA and our incredible students. Their willingness to take action to address the needs of our community and help us to lead others is truly exemplary.
This gift also adds to a record fundraising year for Student Affairs – more than $5 million in pledges to date and counting. At the end of February, Student Affairs became the first unit at UGA to fully meet and exceed its capital campaign goal (104%)—three years ahead of schedule. This is an exciting achievement, but we press ahead with great resolve. When we have ensured that every student has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, regardless of cost, then we can truly celebrate. After all, each and every effort should be for them!

Victor K. Wilson's signature.

Victor K. Wilson
Vice President for Student Affairs
The University of Georgia

The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

306 Memorial Hall
Athens, GA 30602


From the Tate Center Parking Deck, take the elevator to the 3 rd floor. Walk across the courtyard with the UGA bookstore on your left hand side. Take the stairs up to the street. Cross Sanford Drive. Memorial Hall will be directly in front of you. Stay on the left side of the building and walk around to the side entrance for disability access. From the side door you can take the elevator to the third floor. If an elevator is not needed walk up all the stairs on the side of Memorial Hall and turn right, there you will see Reed Quad. Walk up the steps with the columns to the main entrance of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

For directions please call 706-542- 3564.