A group photo of many UGA veterans with their Honor Cords.

UGA Student Veterans Resource Center Honor Cord Ceremony and Scholarship Reception

On May 4, 2022, the Student Veterans Resource Center hosted the first in-person Honor Cord Ceremony since 2019 for the 79 student veterans eligible to graduate this calendar year. The Honor Cord serves as a symbol of gratitude for the student veteran’s unique life experience, maturity and perspective that student veterans bring to classroom discussions and out-of-class activities to enhance the overall educational experience of all UGA students.
Major Adam Fouche shakes hands with Dean of Students, Bill McDonald, after receiving UGAPD donation.

UGA Sunshine Fund and Let All the Big Dawgs Eat Scholarship Received Donation from UGA Police Department

Last month, the University of Georgia Police Department donated to both Student Care & Outreach “Sunshine Fund” and the “Let All the Big Dawgs Eat” food scholarship initiative. The donation split for the Sunshine Fund will provide University staff resources to assist students with immediate mental well-being needs by proactively working with various off-campus partners such as counselors, therapists, and treatment centers. The other half designated for the Let All the Big Dawgs Eat food scholarship will provide two students a 7-day unlimited meal plan for an entire academic year.
Group of students gather around table to listen to Dr. Cook

Dr. Michelle Garfield Cook Inspires Future Student Leaders

As students gathered around the large mahogany table, leaning in to listen to Dr. Michelle Garfield Cook, one saw the dictionary definition of captivation. Dr. Cook, Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion and Strategic University Initiatives, met on Wednesday, March 23rd with 14 students. The Office of the Dean of Students hosts “Gettin’ Down with the Dean” events where students and a guest speaker meet under different roofs across campus to listen and absorb thoughtful stories found right here in our Athens campus community. To say students were thoughtfully absorbing Dr. Cook’s words is mildly underselling her profound impact.