Headshot of J. Barrett Malone

Barrett Malone, Director for Student Conduct

Barrett Malone, JD

Current Director for Student Conduct, Barrett Malone, has been named Associate Dean of Students. His appointment is effective March 1. Here is your chance to learn more about Barrett!

Are you from Georgia?

Yes, I’m from Dexter, a small town in Middle Georgia located a few miles from Dublin, GA. Though I still visit Dexter fairly often and have family there, I have lived in the Athens area since coming to UGA as an undergrad

How long have you worked at UGA?

I have worked full time at UGA for about 12 ½ years, two years in the UGA Athletic Association and the remainder as Director for Student Conduct. I look forward to continuing to serve the University and support our students in my new role as Associate Dean of Students beginning March 1.

What’s your favorite UGA tradition?

There are so many!  I truly enjoy all the spirit, pageantry, and tradition associated with UGA sporting events, and I certainly made sure to teach my children “Go Dawgs!” from an early age.  I also think ringing the Chapel Bell and having to wait until you graduate to walk under the Arch are pretty special traditions.

What is your favorite spot on campus?

That’s difficult to answer.  Sanford Stadium on a fall Saturday; North Campus on a spring afternoon; Founder’s Garden if you want some quiet reflection; Tate Plaza during class change.  That’s part of the beauty of working on campus…you can enjoy all of those spots several times throughout the year!

What are three things you love most about your job?

The people I work with, the students we get the privilege of supporting, and walking across the beautiful campus of the University of Georgia on my way to a meeting.

What might be some ways that staff could collaborate or partner with you?

I’ll be beginning a new role as Associate Dean of Students on March 1, so I too will be looking for new ways to collaborate.  If you have any ideas as to how we might work together, let me know!

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I don’t know if it’s an accomplishment but rather a responsibility, but I’d probably say I’m most proud of seeing my children grow and develop and hoping I have done the rights things to help them reach their potential.  Workwise, there are a lot of successes and achievements for which I have been fortunate to play a small role, but I think some of the greatest accomplishments come when I have been able to provide advice to staff I supervise or work with a student through a difficult situation and then seeing them persevere and achieve their own success.

Anything you would like to share that you would like other staff to know about you?

I have four beautiful daughters (ages 13, 11, 7, and 4).  I could share a lot about them so if you want to know more, ask me about them the next time you see me.  I would love to learn more about you as well.

Thanks to Barrett for taking time to participate in this month’s Staff Spotlight!

Nominate someone to be recognized for their hard work!

Staff Spotlights: Sharing the stories of staff in UGA Student Affairs

Staff Spotlights

Mildred Anderson
Gary Glasser
Tate Student Crew
Charles Clark
Tanesha Hitchcock
Rosendo Alvarezarmenta
Sarah Kesler
Brian Williams
The Tate Facilities Team
Maggie Fitzsimmons
Tim Smith
Missy Jackson
Worth VanLinden
Carolyn Arnold
Al Jeffers
Liana Natochy
Ben Cecil
Lance Haynie
Lori Crawford
Ricky Boggs
Lisa Williamson
Nicole McConnell
Michael Wharton
Laronda Faust
Taylor Cain
Tori Whitaker
Mary Eberhard

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University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602