Jan Davis Barham, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

Jan Davis Barham
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

Jan Davis Barham officially became the newest Associate Vice President of Student Affairs on July 1, 2024. However, Jan is not new to the University of Georgia, or Student Affairs. She has been working full-time at the University of Georgia since 2004 and was most recently the Associate Dean of Students and Director of the Tate Student Center.

Let’s find out more about Jan!

Are you from Georgia? If not, where are you from?

  • I am not from Georgia. I grew up in North Carolina – Conover, NC to be exact. I went to a high school with 123 in my graduating class. I was definitely a RURAL student!

What’s your favorite UGA tradition?

  • My favorite UGA tradition is commencement! It is the most amazing experience! I love watching the students celebrate their accomplishments with their families! It is one of those special moments that words will never describe! I cry every year!

What are you most looking forward to in your new role?

  • I look forward to helping create a seamless transition for incoming students and fostering a supportive community for their families. I am also excited to partner with so many folks through this new role.

What are three things you love most about working at UGA?

  • The students, the staff, and the community! It is an amazing place!

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

  • The two things I am most proud of are my daughters! They are incredibly strong, articulate, and accomplished young women (most days). I am so proud of who they are becoming and what they will do with their talent to change the world.
    Specific to UGA, I am incredibly proud of the Food Scholarship Initiative! UGA has provided over 700 students will full meal plans – allowing them to worry less about their food and focus on engaging and thriving while at UGA! I am proud I get to partner with amazing donors to provide this life-changing scholarship to our students!  

Who do you look up to/ admire?

  • My mother. She has worked her whole life to put family first, to support and facilitate others’ success, and encourage others to be the best versions of themselves. She is an amazing leader who has taught me that our success doesn’t reside solely in our personal achievements but in how we help and encourage others toward their goals and dreams.

What are your hobbies or favorite things to do for fun?

  • I love to garden! It started when I had my daughters but has turned into something I love. I especially love spring when I plant my vegetables – for the deer!

What might be some ways that staff could collaborate or partner with you?

  • In this role, I am eager to collaborate with all staff to create a supportive environment for students and their families. Whether it’s enhancing orientation programs, improving communication and involvement opportunities for parents, or supporting students through key transitions, your ideas and participation are invaluable. Please reach out with any and all ideas!

Anything you would like to share that you would like other staff to know about you?

  • I am a passionate person! I care deeply about my work, my family, our students, and the chance to make a difference each day! I am also a musical junkie! It is not uncommon to hear me singing a song from Hamilton, Wicked, Phantom, etc.!

What advice would you have for new staff joining UGA Student Affairs?

  • Commit to being here, learning UGA, and taking advantage of the amazing opportunities! Take control of your experience and jump in! Be a learner and realize there is something new to learn every day!

What is your favorite quote? 

  • Shakespeare wrote, “This above all to thine own self be true.”

What is your favorite spot on campus or in Athens?

  • Hearty Field! There is so much history, beauty, and tradition with that space.

What is the coolest thing you have ever done and why?

  • I rode a motorcycle going 120 mph. Why – Because I was stupid! While true, I think one of the coolest professional things I have ever done was travel to Tunisia with a group of UGA faculty and administrators in 2008. Our team worked with the Ministry of Education and trained all Tunisian University Presidents on the integration of assessment strategies into the daily life of a university. It was an incredible experience I will never forget!

Nominate someone to be recognized for their hard work!

Staff Spotlights: Sharing the stories of staff in UGA Student Affairs

Staff Spotlights

Mildred Anderson
Gary Glasser
Tate Student Crew
Charles Clark
Tanesha Hitchcock
Rosendo Alvarezarmenta
Sarah Kesler
Brian Williams
The Tate Facilities Team
Maggie Fitzsimmons
Tim Smith
Missy Jackson
Worth VanLinden
Carolyn Arnold
Al Jeffers
Liana Natochy
Ben Cecil
Lance Haynie
Lori Crawford
Ricky Boggs
Lisa Williamson
Nicole McConnell
Michael Wharton
Laronda Faust
Taylor Cain
Tori Whitaker
Mary Eberhard

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406 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602