Chenda Beaty's headshot.

Chenda Beaty, RN, MSN, Clinic Manager – Medical Clinics Gold and Green, University Health Center

Chendamoni "Chenda" Beaty, RN, MSN

Clinic Manager – Medical Clinics Gold and Green, University Health Center

2022 Student Affairs New Professional of the Year Award Recipient

Entire nomination can be viewed here

Chenda’s nominator wrote about her commitment to the University Health Center and her role during the pandemic, as well as some of her current endeavors. Here is an excerpt from that nomination:

“While managing her primary clinic, overseeing both symptomatic and asymptomatic testing, and the nurse led respiratory clinic, Chenda has continued to pour into the University Health Center in other ways. She serves on the Quality Council which has oversite of our Performance Improvement Plan and Quality initiative. She is currently a member of a proactive risk assessment focused improving communication and workflow between the testing center and the lab.

On top of all this, Chenda strives to develop professionally and encourages others to do the same. She is currently enrolled in classes for an MBA with a healthcare leadership focus, she seeks opportunities for professional growth and plans to attend ACHA annual conference in May. In addition, she has designed and presented continuing education opportunities for the nursing staff at UHC this year focused on IM injections and a comprehensive review of the code cart.

Chenda is a well-respected leader at the University Health Center and I continue to be amazed at her maturity and professional growth in such a short time as a leader. She strives for excellence in all that she does. In writing this letter, I’m further reminded that she consistently steps up to meet challenges and exceeds expectations of all those around her. She is an asset to the University Health Center, the University of Georgia, college health, and the nursing profession. I’m so proud to be her leader and I hope you will give her strong consideration for this award.”

Based on your nomination, you seem to be incredibly busy. What does a “day in the life” look like for you at work?

Every day looks different, but typically I spend a lot of time communicating whether via face-to-face, e-mail, phone, or in meetings. The communication can be anywhere from touching base with my teams to make sure they have what they need to succeed in their jobs for the day, collaborating with peers and other UHC departments to tackle problems and make improvements at UHC, advocating for my teams or representing Nursing Services in general, or communicating with students or parents. I nearly always leave my office door open to help facilitate communication, too.

What are some ways that staff could collaborate or partner with you?

I am always open to learning how we can better care for our students. I believe that respectful interactions and seeking-to-understand each other regardless of our backgrounds will be key to both UHC and our society’s success in the future, so I am open to any opportunities to foster understanding or better support our students.


As members of Student Affairs, we are constantly impacting and interacting with students. Why do you enjoy working with students?

I love their optimism, their openness to new experiences even when it is uncomfortable, and their willingness to learn. I know we are here to support our students, but I find myself inspired by them, too.

What's your favorite UGA tradition?

I love yelling “Gooo Dawgs, sic’ em, woof woof!” either at games or at the TV, and I always smile when I hear the chapel bell ringing even when it is not game day because it means someone is celebrating or just having a great time.

Two women standing together preparing for a race.

Chenda and her Mom

Who do you look up to/admire?

I admire and look up to my mother. She is a survivor of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime during which 1.5-2 million Cambodians died (approximately 25% of the country’s population), she resided in refugee camps before immigrating to the United States with her family as a young adult, she became a single mother in my early teens, and after remarrying she had her fifth child – my baby brother who turns 18 in a few months. She is a strong woman with high standards for how we should treat and respect others, and she is always willing to lend a helping hand without expectations or passing judgement.

Thank you to Chenda for her willingness to be interviewed for this staff development initiative!

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Staff Spotlights: Sharing the stories of staff in UGA Student Affairs

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203 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

Ellie Hansen
Coordinator for Employee Experience