Supervisor's Toolkit

Congratulations on the hire of your new employee!

As a supervisor, you play an important role in guiding new employees through fulfilling careers within the University of Georgia’s Division of Student Affairs (UGA SA).

In combination with University Human Resources (UHR) offerings, this toolkit will help you prepare for welcoming and engaging your new employees through the process of onboarding. Onboarding begins at the time of hire and ideally continues through the first year of employment. It enables you to bring newly-hired employees up to speed with the policies, processes, culture, expectations, and day-to-day responsibilities of your department.

Research shows that providing a well-organized onboarding experience greatly increases employee satisfaction, productivity and retention. The tips, templates and resources in this toolkit will support your onboarding efforts and shorten the time until your new employees are successful contributors to your department and the Division of Student Affairs.

Note: The information and resources provided in this toolkit are not exhaustive. Onboarding plans should be tailored to meet the needs of each particular unit.

Receive signed offer letter from new hire

· Turn into HR liaison

Coordinate with HR liaison to ensure all candidates have been accurately moved through the workflow in UGAJobs, and the position has been closed

· UGA’s Guide to Taking Action on Applications

Announce the new employee’s hire and start date as appropriate (after the background investigation (BI) is completed). Consider including the following information in the announcement:

· Employee name and position
· Start date/office location (if applicable)
· Work and/or educational background
· Invitation for current staff to reach out and welcome the new employee
· See New Hire Announcement – Email Template

Obtain appropriate levels of access to facilities and systems. Facilities and systems to consider include, but are not limited to:

· Building keys/card access
· Office keys/card access
· Shared computer work drives

Prepare the employee’s work environment. Each work environment is contingent upon the location and position. First impressions count, so providing your new employee with a work area that is in “move-in” ready matters. You may want to include a welcome packet of information about your department, UGA and the local Athens area.

2023 – 2024 Insider Guide to Athens

Considerations for preparing the work environment include, but are not limited to:

· Clean and organize designated workspace
· Update phone lists, directories, organizational charts, office signage, etc. with the new employee’s information
· Obtain uniforms or supplied apparel (if applicable)
· Order business cards, name tag, and office nameplate (if applicable)
· Label mailbox, locker, etc.

Communicate first-day information to the employee, including, but not limited to:

· Start date + time of arrival
· Where to park and/or ride – UGA Transportation & Parking Services
· Building/office to report to
· First day attire
· How to schedule their Staff Photo
· Additional details (e.g., first day schedule, lunch plans/options) – Week One Schedule Template

Select a Student Affairs “Peer Partner”

· This should be a peer staff member, and does not necessarily need to be someone within the employee’s unit.
· This person should be prepared to serve as an informal partner who helps with daily needs/questions.
· Send your new employee + Peer Partner each other’s contact information so that they can be in touch with one another before the first day.


Day 1

Be there when your new employee arrives!

Introduce the employee to team members within the unit

Provide a tour of the building/office space, including the location of restrooms, break rooms, office equipment, supplies

Ensure your new employee is signed up to attend New Staff Welcome hosted by Student Affairs Talent ManagementVisit the Staff Development Calendar for date(s)/time(s)

Ensure your new employee is signed up to attend Connect@UGA (offered through University Human Resources)Learn more

Review available Affinity Groups offered within Student Affairs – Learn more

Day 2-4

Help the new employee connect their role to the missions of the department and the division.

· Review the position responsibilities alongside the department and division mission statements.
· Ask the new employee how they feel like they can make an impact on the department or division based on their role and skillset.
· Address specific reasons why the new employee was hired into their role. Refer to skills, experiences, or things they mentioned in their interview that made them stand out.

Establish a list of people for the new employee to meet. In addition to listing people that the individual will work with on a regular basis (including direct teammates and colleagues across the division and institution), consider including the following for each person:

· A brief description of the working relationship
· Contact information
· Timeline of when an initial meeting/conversation should occur

Review performance management expectations

Review UGA’s probationary period (180-day) policy (new UGA employees only) Learn more

Add quarterly supervisory meetings to the employee’s calendarGuide to Supervisory Meetings

Day 5

Debrief the week. Engage the new employee in a conversation that includes, but is not limited to:

· Asking (and actively listening!) about what went well
· Addressing new or lingering questions
· Set the stage for the coming weeks

Provide initial assignments that will allow your new employee to demonstrate their knowledge, competencies or ability to learn quickly.

During the first month, have one-on-one check-ins at least weekly to clarify questions, address concerns and monitor progress. Your feedback can have a considerable impact on your new employee’s self-perception and sense of achievement.

Ensure your new employee is trained on Employee Self Service (accessing timecard, payroll deductions, benefits, leave, etc.):

Monthly Employees
Biweekly Employees
More training on UGA systems

Verify new employee has signed up for benefits prior to enrollment deadline. Learn more

Encourage new employee to check first paycheck information to ensure it reflects benefit plan choices, payroll deductions and personal information correctly.

Schedule a meeting between yourself + Talent Management to report on the new employee’s progress/address any (potential) concerns

By 60 days, you’re actively facilitating your new hire’s knowledge, both about their new role and about their workplace; helping them meet others with whom they will work, understand the processes and practices they need to know to do their work, and making progress on established goals and deliverables.

· Determine which Learning and Development courses and programs your new employee should enroll in for the next six months (you are able to assign courses in UGA’s Professional Education Portal).

Increase the complexity and scope of work to assess your new employee’s ability to perform the full range of duties within the position.

Conduct a check-in meeting with your employee to get feedback on their onboarding process

Consider the incorporating the following open-ended questions:

· What has been your most important learning during your first three months here?
· What do you wish you’d known sooner?
· What can I start/stop/continue doing now to support your effectiveness and success?
· Is there anything else you’d like to share about your first 3 months in this role?

Address performance concerns with HR Liaison (if applicable)

Continue to facilitate and encourage socialization, networking, and division/campus participation UGA Events Calendar

Encourage participation in UGA’s Staff Mentor Program – Learn More

During the first 180 days, be clear and consistent about what is expected and how performance is measured so your new employee knows where to focus their efforts. The probationary period should be used to ensure that your new employee is qualified to perform the job and achieve regular status – If there are concerns, these should be addressed prior to the 180-day mark.

Celebrate this milestone with your employee and congratulate them on becoming a regular UGA Student Affairs team member!

Once your new employee has settled into the position, onboarding shifts focus to their long-term success.

Consider holding a Stay Interview with your employee to better understand their individual needs and motivators – Visit Student Affairs Staff Retention page for more information and resources.

Ensure you are recognizing your employee regularly (formally or informally) for their work! Don’t forget about division level recognition opportunities, including Staff Spotlights and Staff Awards.