Take our word for it – Read what our employees have to say about the impactful work, diverse experiences, and unique opportunities that make Student Affairs a great place to work!

“I chose to work in student affairs at the University of Georgia because I love my alma mater, and when you are working somewhere you love, going the extra mile is easy. I stay engaged in my work due to the fact that I feel a great deal of ownership over the spaces I have been tasked with overseeing. A great thing about my job is that no day looks the exact same. ”
–Worth VanLinden, Coordinator for Facility Operations, Recreational Sports

“Here at UGA I love how excited students are about being a part of our community. Through our work in Housing we have an opportunity to capitalize on that energy and focus attention on the connections made by living in the residence halls. Working alongside my colleagues and entry level staff I love to help staff develop relationships with our students, to recruit student leaders by identifying that leadership potential right here in the residence hall who will then shape the experience for the next generation of Dawgs arriving on campus. ”
–Ian Aitken, Assistant Director of Residential Programs and Services, University Housing

“The positive and welcoming culture, level of communication, support and engagement in Student Affairs is very refreshing. I was very impressed by the carefully coordinated/timed messages of not only training and development opportunities, but also encouragement and appreciation for my contributions. The leadership in all areas of Student Affairs is truly amazing. ”
–Mandy Levi, Assistant Director, Student Veterans Resource Center

“In my position, I am given countless opportunities to develop both personally and professionally. The Division of Student Affairs and the University of Georgia provide opportunities for me to engage in sessions relating to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, topics that not only help me do my job more effectively but also translate to the activities I do outside of my job such as volunteering in the community. ”
– Mackenzie White, Senior Coordinator, University Transitions

“The MSP team is a phenomenal group. Having a supportive group of colleagues who we can accomplish the goals of our office and still have time to laugh and enjoy the moment is an added bonus to working within Student Affairs and with the Office of Multicultural Services and Programs. It is truly a pleasure working for UGA and I look forward to the next phase of my student affairs career.”
–Wanda Johnson, Director, Multicultural Services & Programs

“I may be biased, but the division of Student Affairs is the most exciting place to work at UGA. The work is fast-paced, energetic, and on occasion, a whirlwind. I am fortunate enough to have a front-row seat to the incredible work of my colleagues. If you’re on the fence about joining our Student Affairs team, don’t hesitate. Jump in with both feet.”
–Amber George, Growth Marketing Manager, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

“Student Affairs has been a rewarding place to work throughout my past 8 years in University Housing. I can say with certainty that Student Affairs is a division like no other. Student Affairs provides excellent support, both professionally and personally, to their staff, and it encourages its employees to grow on all levels. The ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance while working in Student Affairs is unparalleled.”
–Carrie Chitwood, Human Resources Coordinator, University Housing

“Everyone at Student Affairs wants others to enjoy coming to work, which is an attitude I strive to help with every day. There is opportunity to grow in Student Affairs; whether it be networking or going to professional development conferences, Student Affairs wants to see their employees succeed!”
– Alexander Ferraro, Fiscal Affairs Manager, University Housing

“The staff was welcoming and friendly. They demonstrated the type of familial environment that I was looking for. Starting a role during the pandemic was challenging as a new professional, but my colleagues, supervisor, and the administration in Student Affairs provided me with unconditional support and allowed me to grow in ways I never imagined. They were receptive to my ideas and feedback and allowed me to take on projects I was interested in and run with them.”
-Kara Rex, Associate Director, Greek Life

“Student Affairs is an excellent place to work because each role in the division is vitally important to student success at UGA. In this new role, I work with each department in Student Affairs to assist and support their financial goals and operations. In my career journey within Student Affairs, I have been fortunate to develop multiple long-lasting friendships and relationships with so many wonderful colleagues. Each of my colleagues are wonderful examples of why UGA Student Affairs has an outstanding culture that enhances the student experience at UGA.”
–Marion Spearman, Director for Finance, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

“I work with an excellent team which creates a great work environment. I have had lots of personal/professional development support through the years so that I can get better knowledge and experience in Student Affairs and my job duties. Student Affairs is a great place to work!”
– Charisse Harper, Human Resources Senior Manager, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

“I live in Atlanta, and commute ~2.5 hours back and forth each weekday – that tells you I love my job! There are many reasons I love my job, but here are the top three: 1) One’s job is only as good as your boss – and the leadership at the University Health Center have as their central mission to provide the best and most up-to-date medical care for our students. 2) One’s job is only as good as your co-workers – we all strive toward the University Health Center’s Mission and Values – and this cohesive sense of purpose is a crucial element in my day-to-day activities. 3) One’s job is only as good (wait – do you see a trend here?) as the patients we see. And the student population here is amazing – interested in learning about their health, receptive to advice, and make good health choices. It was a leap of faith to join UGA’s Student Affairs 8 years ago – and my expectations have been met or exceeded every day since.”
–Gary A. Glasser, MD, Staff Gynecologist, University Health Center

“The work environment and team culture here at UHC is phenomenal. There are no silos here, we all work together for a common goal; which is our students. I have had numerous trainings in my years here at UHC. And all my trainings have helped me develop my personal and professional development.”
–Donnie Smith, Assistant Director – Facilities Maintenance, University Health Center