Student Affairs Business Office
126 Tate Student Center
Athens, GA 30602

Student Affairs Business Office P-Cards

The University of Georgia Procurement Office has authorized the Business Office to make certain purchases on behalf of student organizations using a P-Card (Purchasing Card). There is a $1,000.00 limit on purchases made using the P-Card, including shipping, handling charges, taxes, insurance, etc. Purchases exceeding this amount must be made using routine purchase order guidelines.

The P-Card can be used to make purchases from any vendor who accepts a VISA card via a secure website.

IMPORTANT: The Business Office MUST process all P-Card purchases that will be paid by a Student Activity Fee funded account. University Departments are not permitted to make purchases on behalf of a student organizations using departmental P-Cards and they are not permitted to submit GL Journals to move P-Card charges to a student organization’s account. 

What Can Be Purchased:

  • Subscriptions
  • Repairs/Maintenance/Service (requiring no contract)
  • Office supplies
  • Software
  • Expendable supplies
  • Registration fees (no lodging, meals or transportation)
  • Program supplies

What CANNOT Be Purchased:

  • Entertainment (including performers & speakers)
  • Travel Expenses
  • Gasoline
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Items of personal use
  • Cash Advances
  • Construction or Renovation
  • Installment Purchases
  • Leases
  • Memberships
  • Professional Services
  • Inventoried Equipment (see definition)

Definition of Inventoried Equipment:

  1. Any item which is basically non-consumable and non-expendable in nature, such as motor vehicles, mechanized and non-mechanized equipment, office equipment, appliances, etc.
  2. Any item with an estimated usable life expectancy of three years or more and an item acquisition cost of $1,000 or more.
  3. Any item or items which our department feels should be included in property inventory even though it fails to meet the criteria outlined above.
  4. The following items are inventory controlled if the cost is over $500 but under $1,000:
    Office Machines, Electronic Audio/Visual Equipment, Photographic Equipment

How to Make Purchases:

  1. Once you have selected items to be purchased you should photo copy the information from the vendor (quotes, catalogue page, registration form, etc.). If you have an order form to be faxed or mailed in please complete everything except the credit card information.
  2. Complete all of the information requested on the P-Card Purchase Request Form.
  3. Bring all information to the Business Office. The staff member who handles your student organization account will review your purchase. The order will then be placed with the vendor.
  4. Once your order has been received you must contact the Business Office to confirm the arrival of the order. The vendor must include a packing slip, paid invoice, etc. listing the items shipped to you and the amount of the purchase. You must send the paperwork from the vendor to Business Office. It is absolutely necessary to have a vendor receipt. The original order form by itself is not sufficient documentation of purchase.
  5. The Business Office will reconcile your receipt with the VISA statement, post the purchase to your account, and file the paperwork in your account files.

It is important to remember that only the Business Office can make purchases via the P-Card on behalf of student clubs and organizations.

P-Card Purchase Request Form