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Support Staff Member of the Year Award

Zackery Counkle, Recreational Sports
2023-2024 Support Staff Member of the Year Award Winner
Here is what Zackery’s nominator said about him:
“It is my pleasure to nominate Mr. Zackery Counkle for the Support Staff Member of The Year Award. Zack is the epitome of the behind-the-scenes person that makes it all happen. Zack has been working in the Department of Recreational Sports for almost 20 years and to this day, he is still one of the hardest working and most dedicated staff members in our department. Whether it is getting the facility in-order to host a visit from the First Lady of the United States, setting up for UGA Athletics summer camps, helping with the hosting of NCAA and SEC Championships or to accommodate an academic class – Zack is primed and ready to go.
He is affectionately known around our department as, “Mr. Make it Happen!” Zack has gotten this moniker from years of just making stuff happen in our department from what is asked of him to sometimes just doing what is needed without being asked. For example, our department recently lost a full-time pool maintenance foreman and without hesitation, Zack and another colleague in our department immediately stepped in an assumed the additional responsibilities without any quarrel. In fact, his exact words where, “I’m in, whatever the department needs.” Zack has also been instrumental in redesigning the equipment layouts in our Strength and Conditioning rooms, keeping all of our equipment operational and functional despite the tens of thousands of students and patrons that consistently utilize the equipment, as well as effectively leading a maintenance team consisting of students.
In addition to doing great work for our department, Zack is also an avid basketball player. And what has impressed me most about him is his willingness to talk to and fellowship with the students he meets on the basketball court. I have witnessed first-hand Zack actively listening and helping a student that was dealing with a crises. The student was feeling lost and thinking about quitting school, but because of their conversation, the student felt lighter and like someone was there for them. Zack has done similar good deeds for several students that still call him even after graduation just to chat and catch up. In fact, he’s been invited to several weddings because he’s made students feel like family and cared for in a genuine and authentic way.
In closing, Zack is what I would consider a salt-to-the-earth person that cares as much about students and his co-workers as he does about his day-to-day Maintenance Foreman job duties. As a native Athenian, he is passionate about Athens and UGA which can be seen and felt in conversations and interactions with him. Without a doubt, Zack truly embodies what it means to care about people and to get the job done without complaining and expecting fanfare. In fact, our department would not be where we are today – if not for Zack’s attention to detail, willingness to “get his hands dirty,” positive attitude towards his work and overall ability to MAKE IT HAPPEN!”
Award Criteria
Recipient: Individual
Do you know someone who works behind the scenes to ensure their department is successful? Do you want to help them get the recognition they deserve?
This award recognizes a UGA Student Affairs staff member serving in a support role (administrative support, building/facility services, security, etc.) who positively contributes to their department’s success and enhances the work environment.
Nominations will be evaluated according to one or more of the following criteria:
- Performing job responsibilities in an exemplary manner
- Promoting a positive environment in their office/department
- Providing outstanding customer service
- Striving for efficiency without compromising quality of work
- Demonstrating attention to detail in all facets of performance
- Actively supporting endeavors of the division or campus community
- Nominee serves in a support staff role in UGA Student Affairs at time of nomination
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408 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Ellie Hansen
Assistant Director for Talent Management