Two people with one of them holding an award.

Erica Lee, Engagement, Leadership & Service

Erica Lee

Assistant Director for Community Engagement

Erica was presented the 2022-2023 Emerging Leader Award at May’s Student Affairs Celebration. Here is an excerpt of what her nominator said about her:

“I am continuously inspired by Erica’s creative approach to problem-solving, as well as distinct dedication to student success. Her kindness and support to her fellow colleagues is commendable, as she naturally connects with others both personally and professionally. Erica is a superb example of commitment to both divisional & departmental values through her development of a dynamic organization that benefits a wide variety of stakeholders. She is a central voice in expanding community engagement initiatives for the ELS department, and she is facilitating incredible growth for her students. I am thankful for her and look forward to witnessing her future successes!”

Let's learn more about Erica:

Are you from Georgia? If not, where are you from? (i.e., where do you call “home”?)

    • I was raised in Georgia, and now I call Athens, Georgia home! After spending four years in Athens for my undergraduate degree and moving away for my master’s program and the start of my career, it’s been wonderful to return with my fiancé Ian and put down roots in this part of Georgia.

How long have you worked at UGA?

    • I recently celebrated my one-year work anniversary at UGA! My colleague Courtney Brown and I started in our new roles as Assistant Directors in ELS on the same day after her move from Ramsey and mine from Clemson University.  I was so lucky to start the same day as Courtney, since she is extremely kind, welcoming, and was already professionally familiar with UGA.

What’s your favorite UGA tradition?

    • My favorite UGA tradition is Dawg Day of Service. Dawg Day of Service is UGA’s largest annual day of service, with thousands of students over the years committing to make a difference in our community.  I see it as a direct fulfillment of the motto of the University: “To teach, to serve, and to inquire into the nature of things.”

What does a “day in the life” look like for you at work?

    • Each day at work is a little different, but typically I create plans and materials for our signature programs, work with colleagues in Engagement, Leadership, and Service on collaborative projects, and meet with the students I advise through Serve UGA. I am also lucky to work regularly with professionals and volunteers staffing the nonprofit organizations in our community. 

What are three things you love most about your job?

    • I love the creativity this role allows, being able to work alongside students, and working among a team of extremely qualified and ambitious people to create events that result in turning points in a student’s experience at UGA.

What are your hobbies or favorite things to do for fun?

    • I enjoy gardening and reading. If you’re new to the area, the Athens-Clarke County library is a great resource for free and inexpensive things to do in Athens, and it allows you to check out physical books and movies as well as ebooks and audiobooks through Libby.   

What might be something that you would like other staff to know about your job?

    • The cornerstone of the community-engagement area is Service-Mindedness.
    • I oversee the community engagement portfolio in Engagement, Leadership, and Service, which includes advising Serve UGA, planning Dawg Day of Service for both fall and spring. The community engagement area also includes civic engagement, including in-person voting at Tate Student Center, voter education, and voter registration.  Finally, my colleague Rachel Taylor, Senior Coordinator for Community Engagement, works with the IMPACT Alternative Breaks program to create effective week-long service projects in multiple areas across the southeast over Fall Break and Spring Break.

What is your favorite spot on campus or in Athens?

    • Some of my favorite spots in Athens are Avid Bookshop, Bear Hollow Zoo, and the turtle pond on South Campus. Just to name a few, like the Athens Farmer’s Market, AthFest, Hot Corner Festival, and Silent Book Club, there’s so many wonderful gathering places to meet our neighbors both on our campus and in our community.

Thank you to Erica for allowing us to Spotlight her this month!

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Staff Spotlights: Sharing the stories of staff in UGA Student Affairs

Staff Spotlights

Mildred Anderson
Gary Glasser
Tate Student Crew
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Rosendo Alvarezarmenta
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The Tate Facilities Team
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Ben Cecil
Lance Haynie
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Ricky Boggs
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Michael Wharton
Laronda Faust
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Tori Whitaker
Mary Eberhard

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University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602