Charles Clark's headshot.

Charles Clark

Coordinator for Event Services – Tate Student Center

Achiever – Responsibility – Consistency – Harmony – Learner

Charles was nominated for a Staff Spotlight by a coworker, who had the following to say about him:

Charles has been a team player from day one. He was originally hired as Event Coordinator in Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services, but over the years, he has filled in and acted in many different roles. He filled in as the Senior Coordinator for Event Services for a year during a long search process for that position. He can fill in for the second Event Coordinator and supervise the student set up crew. He is cross-trained in Technical Services to support the tech team on basic sound set up and technical support. Currently, Charles is filling in for role of Senior Coordinator for Facilities in the Tate Student Center. This shows his willingness at all times to support the larger mission of the Tate Student Center and Division of Student Affairs. He is a hard worker and outstanding leader. This willingness of supportive work also shows up in his relationships with the variety of customers that CRETS interacts with on a daily basis. From student groups, department staff, or upper administration, Charles continues to put his best foot forward. I am proud to have someone as eager, willing, and supportive as Charles Clark on the CRETS team. And while he may be on a temporary assignment, Charles will continue to have a “home” in CRETS.

Are you from Georgia? If not, where are you from? (i.e., where do you call “home”?)

I was born in Atlanta, Georgia and that was home for me until I moved to Athens in 2016.

How long have you worked at UGA?

I have worked at UGA since July of 2017.

What does a “day in the life” look like for you at work?

In my role as an Event Coordinator, my day would normally start by checking my email to see if any new details have come in about the events I am coordinating. I then will check EMS to see what is on the event schedule for the day and proceed to check those spaces that have events to confirm that the set-ups are correct. Throughout the rest of day, my time will be spent working in EMS, creating diagrams, responding to emails, and checking with clients to make sure they are set for their event.

Currently, I am operating as the Interim Facilities and Operations Coordinator. My normal day in this role typically involves checking in and supervising the Information Desk Student Workers as well as conducting rounds throughout the Tate Center to make sure everything in the building looks correct and is working properly.

What are three things you love most about your job?

  • Connecting and building relationships with clients.
  • Being involved in producing Signature Events for the University and for Student Affairs.
  • The “family” environment that has been created in the CRETS office amongst my co-workers.

Who do you look up to/ admire?

I look up to my parents as both have inspired me in different ways throughout the course of my life and they continue to do so.

What are things that you do for fun/hobbies?

Being outside and going on hikes; playing/watching sports with friends and family; playing video games with friends; watching movies; reading.

What might be some ways that staff could collaborate or partner with you?

In my Event Coordinator role, staff can partner with me by submitting requests for events that would take place in the Large Event Spaces in Tate and in Memorial. They also can reach out if they ever have any specific questions about hosting an event in Tate.

What advice would you have for new staff joining UGA Student Affairs?

Embrace the “family” environment that has been established by the leadership in Student Affairs!

What is the coolest place that you have traveled to?

My answer would be Niagara Falls in Canada.

What is the coolest thing you have ever done and why?

In 2018, I was fortunate enough to be able to ride a horse in the mountains of Colorado while it was snowing. It was an amazing experience with gorgeous views that I will probably never get to do again!

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Staff Spotlights: Sharing the stories of staff in UGA Student Affairs

Contact Us

408 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

James Crawford
Student Affairs Staff Development Lead 

Matthew Waller
Chief of Staff