Emerging Leader Award

Amelia Ross, University Health Center

2023-2024 Emerging Leader Award Winner

Here is what Amelia’s nominator said about her:

“I am delighted to nominate Amelia Ross, BA, for the Student Affairs Emerging Leader Award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the Division of Student Affairs and the University Health Center, as well as her commitment to student success. Amelia’s impact extends far beyond the boundaries of her official role. Her leadership, dedication, and exemplary performance truly embody the spirit of the Emerging Leader Award criteria. 

Amelia has been an invaluable member of the University Health Center (UHC) team for several years, recently assuming the role of Manager of Quality and Health Equity. In this capacity, she has not only fulfilled her job responsibilities with exceptional dedication but has gone above and beyond to inspire and lead initiatives that have positively influenced the UGA Student Affairs community. Amelia led UHC in applying for an opportunity to be a member of a learning network with the Institute of Healthcare Improvement focused on health equity. She has led an interdisciplinary team in this cohort that has had a tremendous impact on the delivery of care at UHC that pays careful attention to the reduction of health disparities. 

Amelia chairs the Health Disparities Reduction Committee and has led this committee in identifying the need to increase compliance with HPV vaccines among students, especially those from underserved populations who may not have the means or knowledge to receive this vaccine that significantly reduces risk of certain types of cancer. Amelia is currently coordinating marketing efforts, increasing access to the vaccine at UHC, and campus outreach events aimed at increasing immunization rates. In addition, Amelia has spearheaded a “Know Your Status” campaign where students can submit an inquiry to determine if they are fully immunized for HPV. 

Another notable aspect of Amelia’s leadership is her volunteer role as co-chair of the employee enrichment committee. Under her guidance, the committee has made significant strides in enhancing the employee experience, retention, and recruitment at UHC. This collaborative effort reflects her commitment to the values, mission, and vision of UGA Student Affairs. In addition, she is a coordinator for the Daisy Award at UHC, which is a national award for compassionate nursing care. As a coordinator, Amelia oversees the nomination process and selection committee for this highly esteemed award. 

Amelia’s dedication to student success is evident in her collaborations with campus partners to improve the overall student experience. Most recently with the resignation of our Patient Navigator, Amelia has stepped in to work with all students who screen positive for a health-related social needs by connecting them to resources both on and off campus that address food, housing, financial, and transportation insecurities that can have a negative impact on both health and academic success. In addition, she led efforts to establish a pocket food pantry at UHC and well-being stations in all waiting rooms at the UHC (these stations include well-being items such as cough drops, stress balls, snacks, condoms, and feminine hygiene products). Amelia has also been instrumental in the creation of well-being hubs across campus which create spaces for students and staff to pursue well-being. Finally, Amelia has developed strong relationships with many departments across campus to identify how UHC can contribute to student success. Some examples include International Student Life (planned and executed an open house for international students at UHC), the Disability Resource Center (creation of sensory bags), and the Pride Center (organized the “Ask A Nurse” Series). 

Furthermore, Amelia has actively contributed to her field through conference presentations, including those at the American College Health Association Conference and the Southern College Health Association Conference. Her willingness to share knowledge and insights demonstrates her dedication to the broader student affairs community. Amelia’s commitment to mentorship is evident through her voluntary hosting of two student interns this semester, providing them with valuable experiential learning opportunities. Additionally, her engagement in research further highlights her dedication to staying at the forefront of her field. In conclusion, Amelia’s contributions have elevated the UHC and enhanced the student experience at UGA.”

Award Criteria

Recipient: Individual

Do you have a staff member with enormous potential? Know someone that isn’t “new” but feel that they continually exceed expectations?

This award recognizes a UGA Student Affairs staff member who has at least 3 years of professional experience, not all of which have to be in UGA Student Affairs. This staff member, regardless of position or title, exceeds the responsibilities of their position in a manner that demonstrates a commitment to student success.

Nominations will be evaluated according to one or more of the following criteria:

  • Performing job responsibilities in an exemplary manner
  • Inspiring others by demonstrating a commitment to the values, mission, and vision of UGA Student Affairs
  • Prioritizing a steadfast commitment to student success through their work
  • Positively impacting, engaging, and/or supporting the Division and UGA community
  • Contributing to their field through conference presentations, digital/print publications, or a volunteer role(s)
  • Nominee serves as a staff member in UGA Student Affairs with a minimum of 3 years of total professional experience (not only at UGA) at time of nomination

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The Student Affairs Staff Awards, given to deserving staff across the division and the University, recognize outstanding accomplishments and leadership in student affairs at the University of Georgia.


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408 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

Ellie Hansen
Assistant Director for Talent Management