Active Threat | Beap

Active Threat

An active threat is defined as an armed individual who has attacked with deadly force one or more persons, and who will continue to seek out and harm as many people as possible. The UGA Office of Emergency Preparedness and the UGA Police Department developed a training program and video entitled “Plan, Prepare, React: Active Shooter Response Options for Institutes of Higher Education.” 

  • Notify the UGA Police at 911 immediately.
  • Do not pull the fire alarm to alert others of an active threat, as this may put others in danger. Ignore any fire alarms while you are sheltered inside an office or other area.
  • Take the necessary precautions and actions to protect your well-being. Flee the area if you are able to do so safely and avoid danger. If flight is impossible, lock or barricade all doors and secure yourself in a safe area. If barricading in a safe area, shut off lights and stay out of sight. Remain in place until an “all clear” is given by law enforcement.
  • Take action as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger. Attempt to incapacitate the active threat or active threat by either throwing items or with physical aggression.