306 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
(706) 542-3564

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Tori Norwood

Assistant Director of Accommodated Testing and Alternative Formats
103 Clark Howell Hall Athens GA 30602
Photo of Tori Norwood

Biographical Info

Tori Whitaker joined the DRC’s staff in 2014 as a Senior Proctor in the Accommodated Testing Office. After several promotions, she now serves as the Senior Accommodated Testing & Alternative Text Coordinator. In this role, Tori administers approved testing services for students with disabilities, communicates with faculty regarding testing, and supervises the Accommodated Testing Office’s student and clerical workers. She also oversees the Alternative Text unit, which produces print materials in alternative formats. Before joining the DRC’s staff, Tori earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the University of Georgia in 2014.

Categories: Accessibility and Testing (Accessibility Staff)
Updated 4 months ago.