306 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
(706) 542-3564

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Satya Thippareddi, MD

PhysicianUniversity Health Center
55 Carlton Street 55 Carlton Street GA Athens GA 30602 Work Phone: 706-542-8609
Photo of Satya Thippareddi MD

Biographical Info

Dr. Satya Thippareddi joined University Health Center in October 2017. After practicing as an Ob/Gyn in India for several years she relocated to the U.S. to complete a Family Practice Residency and has been certified by the American Board of Family Medicine continuously since 2006. She worked as a Staff Physician at The Nebraska Medical Center from 2007-2012 before moving to Shenandoah Medical Center in Shenandoah, Iowa, where she worked until July 2017. She was active on a number of committees at both hospitals where she served as a member as well as chair–Utilization Review Committee, Peer Review Committee, Emergency Department Committee, and Obstetrics Committee—and was the medical director for the Diabetic Self-Management Program. She relocated to Athens in July 2017 to join her husband, who is an academic faculty member in Poultry Science at UGA. Safe Space Ally

Completed Dawg Ally and/or Global Ally programs. This additional training helps ensure health equity for all patients and clients by promoting inclusive belonging in healthcare.

Education: MBBS (Medical Doctor), Siddhartha Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India
Internship: University General Hospital, Andhra Pradesh, India
Post-graduate Training: Ob/Gyn, Kasturba Medical College, Karnataka, India
Residency: Family Medicine, Lincoln, Nebraska
Board Certified: Family Medicine
License: Physician, State of Georgia

Categories: UHC Medical Clinic Gold
Updated 6 months ago.