306 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
(706) 542-3564

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Eric Atkinson

Dean of StudentsUGA Student AffairsOffice of the Vice President for Student Affairs
306 Memorial Hall Athens GA 30602 Work Phone: 706-542-3564
Photo of Eric Atkinson

Biographical Info

Eric Atkinson serves as Dean of Students at the University of Georgia. He is responsible for overseeing the following departments:

  • Engagement, Leadership, and Service
  • Greek Life
  • Student Conduct
  • Student Veterans Resource Center
  • Tate Student Center
  • University Housing
  • University Transitions

He is also a member of the University’s Behavioral Assessment and Response Council (BARC), the Freedom of Expression Team, and co-teaches a First Year Odyssey (FYO) seminar with President Morehead.

Eric received his undergraduate degree from Troy State University and earned M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Georgia. He has worked in UGA’s Division of Student Affairs since 1999.

Categories: Dean of Students, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Sa 2025 Plan - Executive Resource Team Members, Student Affairs Leadership Team
Updated 1 month ago.