Student Affairs Business Office
126 Tate Student Center
Athens, GA 30602

Can my organization make a donation to a charity?

Any registered student organization with an Agency Account can make donations or contributions to charitable organizations. Student organizations that receive Student Activity Fee Funds are not allowed to make donations or contributions to charities.

My group receives Student Activity Fee Allocations – why can’t we make charitable contributions?

Student Activity Fees are paid by students and this fee is dedicated to student programming and services that enhance student life at UGA. These funds are stewarded by the Student Government Association and leadership within the Division of Student Affairs, who recommend and support annual allocations to various student-led groups, organizations, and initiatives. If your organization was approved to receive an allocation of these funds, you are not permitted to give these funds away to another organization/charity that did not go through the same process.

Organizations with Agency Accounts are permitted to make donations to charities because these funds are not generated from fees.

How does my organization make a donation to a charity?

Please fill out the Request for Charitable Contribution Form and email it to

The organization/charity receiving the donation must be registered as a supplier. To register, a representative of the organization/charity should go to

Charitable Contribution Form