New Professional of the Year Award

Rachel Taylor, Engagement, Leadership & Service

2023-2024 New Professional of the Year

Here is what Rachel’s nominator wrote about her:

“I am excited to write in support of Rachel Taylor for the New Professional of the Year Award. Rachel currently serves as the Senior Coordinator for Student Engagement in Engagement, Leadership, and Service. Rachel has established herself as a vital member of our team who centers learning, innovation, and relationships at the core of her work. One of Rachel’s standout qualities and one of her greatest strengths has been a commitment to learning. Rachel jumped into her current role at the end of August, and her first week on the job included our fall engagement fairs. Rachel approached that week with a willingness to ask questions, to learn as she went, and to use the knowledge and experience she was bringing in to be an active leader for those events. Rachel’s desire to learn allowed her to quickly immerse herself in student organizations processes and policies, and she has contributed to improving the training materials that we offer new staff members through her feedback. This skillset shone as she stepped into advising WUOG, and she was proactive in connecting with resources and trainings to build a foundation of knowledge to successfully advise this organization. 

Outside of her job responsibilities, Rachel is committed to her own professional development and growth, evidenced by her engagement with PEP courses and attendance at events like Coffee and Conversations, Lead at Three, Well-Being Summits, and other presentations across campus. Rachel is often the first to book a van and invite other members of our department to engage in learning at these events as well. Rachel’s desire to innovate has positioned her to contribute to the development of several programs and initiatives within our department. This is showcased in particular in her launch of the newly revised New Organization Institute in January of 2024. She lead the development and implementation of a new student organization onboarding and training model that encourages participation and use of resources that will further the success of their organizations. Rachel’s innovative ideas also positively contributed to our major engagement fairs, where she took the lead on redeveloping elements of our event staffing model that resulted in better event management and more effective support for event staff and volunteers. 

The quality that sets Rachel apart most in her work is her strength in relationship building. Rachel is thoughtful and intentional in how she builds relationships, and this has allowed her to be even more effective in her work. She quickly developed positive relationships with her students in WUOG, and this led to an outstanding partnership as she stepped in as an advisor and they took an active role in knowledge sharing related to college radio and their organizational culture. Rachel assists with leading the Student Leader Advisor Team, and as members of this team come in for our weekly meetings, and
her relationships with members of this team have assisted in pinpointing future speakers and collaborations. From developing a quick rapport with a student who has stopped by our office for support or establishing a long-term partnership with another campus partner, Rachel’s care for those she interacts with and her intentionality is always felt. The impact of Rachel’s work has been felt far beyond her job responsibilities. Rachel set up a well-being station within her office and encourages students and staff alike to stop by and use these resources to care for themselves. She has demonstrated a clear commitment to involvement and relationship building across UGA and within the Student Affairs community and is a member of both the Student Affairs RED cohort and the Young Professional Affinity Group. Her contributions to professional development extend beyond UGA’s campus, and this past year she attended the SACSA annual conference and was a presenter at the conference. Rachel is an exemplary young professional, and her work, actions, and words each day in the office speak to her commitment not only to her role and her institution, but also to her positive impact on the field of Student Affairs. These two years at UGA are only the early foundations of her career, and I can say with from experience and with full confidence that her continued work as a student affairs professional will have an insurmountable impact on other professionals that have the benefit of working alongside her.”

Award Criteria

Recipient: Individual

Have a new professional in your department that exceeds expectations? Do you know a newer professional and feel like they have gone above and beyond?

This award recognizes a UGA Student Affairs staff member with 1 to 3 years total professional experience within their field (not only at UGA) who has consistently exceeded the responsibilities of their position in a way that enhances the success, mission, and goals of the Division.

Nominations will be evaluated according to one or more of the following criteria:

  • Performing job responsibilities in an exemplary manner
  • Seeking additional opportunities to engage within the Division outside of regular position responsibilities through volunteering for and/or participating in initiatives hosted by various departments or the Division
  • Positively impacting, engaging, and/or supporting the Division and UGA community
  • Contributing to their field through conference presentations, digital/print publications, or a volunteer role(s)
  • Nominee serves as a staff member in UGA Student Affairs with 1 year to 3 years of total professional experience (not only at UGA) at time of nomination

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Staff Awards

The Student Affairs Staff Awards, given to deserving staff across the division and the University, recognize outstanding accomplishments and leadership in student affairs at the University of Georgia.


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408 Memorial Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

Ellie Hansen
Coordinator for Employee Experience