Student Affairs Business Office
126 Tate Student Center
Athens, GA 30602

Fundraising Opportunities

Below are some ways that student organizations can fundraise:

  • Sell Tickets to Events or Programs – Go here for more information.
  • Collect Membership Dues – Go here for more information.
  • Sell Merchandise – Go here for more information.
  • Collect Donations – Go here for more information.
  • Host a Percentage Night with a Local Business – Your organization can collaborate with local businesses to host a percentage night. The Business Office does not assist with making arrangements for setting up percentage nights. If your organization hosts a percentage night, you can email to get a copy of UGA’s W-9 Form.
  • Bake Sales, Car Washes, Auctions, Book/Food Drives and more

Fundraising on Campus

Use of University facilities or grounds for fundraising must be approved by Engagement, Leadership, and Service. Requests for approval must be submitted online to Engagement, Leadership, and Service at least five business days in advance of the event. The Fundraising Request Form can be found on the Involvement Network.

Fundraising for Organizations with Agency Accounts

Student organizations with Agency Accounts are able to fundraise under most circumstances. Please email if you have any questions.

Remember to deposit fundraising proceeds into your Agency Account as soon as possible. More information about making deposits can be found here.

Fundraising for Organizations with Student Activity Fee Allocations

Student organizations who receive an allocation of Student Activity Fees should refer to the Student Activity Fee Guidelines concerning the use of these funds. Allocated organizations cannot make contributions or donations to charitable organizations.

Only under the following circumstances may an allocated organization participate in fundraising:

  • A request to hold a fund raising event must be submitted through and approved by Engagement, Leadership, and Service. The Fundraising Request Form can be found here.
  • All money raised through a fundraising event must be deposited with the Business Office and budgeted accordingly.
  • Admission Charges: If the fundraising event will charge an admission, the OneCard Office must sell all tickets to the event. The coordinator of the event must consult with a representative of the OneCard Office to schedule the appropriate ticket sales information. The OneCard Office can pre-sell tickets online and sell them at the door on the day of the event. Any charges for this service must be paid from ticket revenue. All applicable state sales taxes must be paid on ticket sales. All receipts from ticket sales will be deposited with the Business Office.
  • Other Fund Raising Projects: Any and all proceeds from other fund raising projects or events (bake sales, car washes, entry fees, auctions, etc.) should be deposited with the Business Office. Two members of the organization should collect and verify the funds.